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Visual Arts

Elementary Art

A weekly art class which combines creativity, art history and different aspects of the students’ environment to stimulate the student to use his/her imagination through different mediums of art. Elementary participates in TCS Gallery Night.

Middle School Art

The class combines creativity, history and various art mediums in order to stimulate students to use their imagination, creativity and perception. The course begins with an in-depth study of drawing with perspective and ends with creating independent projects with perspective, with some fun projects intermingled along the way. Middle School Art participates in the ACSI Art Festival and TCS Gallery Night.

High School Art

Art I- The focus of this class is to introduce the basic principles of drawing. This includes the value of color, perspective, depth, value and scope. Pencil, pastel, color pencil, and watercolor will be the mediums for the class.

Art II- The focus of this class is to transform the tools and principles of drawing to brush art. This includes the value of color, perspective, depth, value, scope and texture. Watercolor and acrylic will be the mediums for this class. Other mediums that will be used through the course are glass, mosaics, fabric, and wood.

High School Art participates in the ACSI Art Festival, TAPPS and TCS Gallery Night.

High School Photography

The Photography course will introduce several aspects of photography: history, photographic equipment and how it works, creativity, elements of design, light, photojournalism, famous photographers, careers in photography, and special effects will be covered. High School Photography participates in ACSI, ATPI, TAPPS and TCS Gallery Night.


The school yearbook, The Banner, is a yearly publication that is distributed at the beginning of the following school year. All students who attend TCS will receive a yearbook. Participation in yearbook is by application only.

The middle school and high school yearbook staff’s responsibility is to: plan photo layouts; illustrate events from throughout the school year with appropriate photos and captions; plan photographs in relation to assignments from the editor.

The yearbook competes in TAPPS.

Nicole Mansfield
Fine Arts Director



Christie LaRue
Elementary Art