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Welcome to the Temple Christian School Athletic Program! We offer a complete athletic program in grades 6-12 including 11-man tackle football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, and track.

The primary purpose of the athletic program at Temple Christian School is to help young men and women become more Christ-like. Athletics provides us with the incredible opportunity and responsibility of molding young lives by teaching positive, Christian values.

Participation in TCS athletics prepares a person for the Christian life in a society based on competition and excellence. Our athletes who commit themselves to excellence and learn to deal with success and failure on the playing field will carry this ability with them throughout their lives. The goal of our athletic program is the development and welfare of Christian character traits. It is intended develop an athlete physically, emotionally, intellectually, and socially and in so doing, bring the young person closer to God.

Physically, athletics provides our athletes with the opportunity to develop to their full potential, including the ability to go beyond the limits of normal endurance.

Emotionally, our athletes learn to control themselves under pressure. In a single contest, the athlete may need to deal with elation, frustration, anger, and fear. He or she must learn to win gracefully and to bounce back in the face of defeat.

Intellectually, our athletes develop and exercise their minds as they learn and use the rules, strategies, and plays of the game. They develop mental toughness when they learn that their bodies can withstand considerable punishment.

Finally, our athletes develop socially. They learn to submit to authority as they interact with the coaching staff and operate under the regulations of the game. Through team play they learn cooperation, communication and loyalty as the team strives toward a common goal.

Our primary goal is to develop a program that is not only competitive, but would ultimately glorify Jesus Christ and be a positive experience for all who participate in it.

Summer Sessions

Jeremy Bailey
Athletic Director 