Easy Ways to Help TCS
There are several easy ways to help TCS get funds directly!
Please take a minute to look at the programs we have available.
HOW TO EARN: No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit your school's Box Tops earnings online. Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs!
Download the app, register, and snap pictures of your receipts for points to cash
Shop on Amazon using this link and Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to TCS.

You can ask the store for a key ring card that will be scanned when you make purchases. We have a new number with Kroger, please be sure to sign up under WC616.