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Athletic Staff

  Name Title
Jeremy Bailey Bailey, Jeremy Athletic Director, Secondary History & Bible, SST, Varsity Football
Avery Childs Childs, Avery Secondary Bible & History, MS Football, Track
Tobi Corcoran Corcoran, Tobi 1st Grade Teacher, Varsity Girls Basketball
Joe Hamstra Hamstra, Joe Secondary Principal, Varsity Football
Liv Herak Herak, Liv Secondary Science, Varsity Cheer
Brandon McClurg McClurg, Brandon Secondary Math & Science, MS & HS Baseball, MS Volleyball
Larry Ravelo Ravelo, Larry Director of Technology, PLTW, MS Boys Basketball, MS/JV Softball
Cameron Stapleton Stapleton, Cameron 5th Grade Teacher, Varsity Soccer, MS Football
Laechele Stapleton Stapleton, Laechele Kindergarten Teacher, HS Cheer
Chuck Velasquez Velasquez, Chuck Elementary PE, SST, Varsity Softball, Varsity Football
Sandra Wainwright Wainwright, Sandra Assistant Athletic Director, Assistant to Secondary Principal, SST, Varsity Track
Casey Walker Walker, Casey Secondary Bible, Speech, MS Football, MS Girls Basketball, MS Softball