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Christie LaRue

Christie LaRue
Christie LaRue
Secondary History, Elementary Art, Yearbook Advisor, Photography
Phone: 817-457-0770
Groups: Faculty & Staff,Fine Arts

Hello! My name is Christie LaRue and my husband and I, along with our three children, live in Fort Worth. All three of our kids graduated from Temple (Logan '16, Jasie Brooke '20, Brack '21) and I so appreciate that I get to spend time doing something I love (teaching!) and loved getting to see my kids when they were here!  

One of my go to verses is Jeremiah 29:11 - I love this verse. I find it comforting and the Lord means what He says. Before I started teaching at Temple, I was subbing one day and I went home and told my husband "I could never teach!" (rough sub day). Well, the Lord said, "Christie, I need you to teach" and the very next August Mrs. Stringer hired me to teach Pre-K! I taught Pre-K for eight years and then moved to my secondary roles while keeping elementary art. I've always heard that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. Well, I absolutely love what I do and I'm so grateful for the blessings God has given me for what I get to do each day here at TCS!

For this school year, my responsibilities will include: Elementary Art, 6th Grade World History, High School Photography, Yearbook Adviser and Jr. Class Sponsor.